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Dear St Anne's Community,
Welcome to Term 4. It is set to be another great term full of fun and learning.
I thank everyone for the magic that happens to be Showcase. There is a lot of preparation before hand and a lot of work on the Showcase evenings. I thank all staff and students for their work with our Showcase.
Our very first cohort of HSC students are currently sitting their exams in the school Hall. We are extra proud of these students and I ask that you keep them in your thoughts and prayers over the next 4 weeks as they sit their exams. As mentioned in my email, there will be times when exams are on in the hall and students need to be picked up in the park rather than near the hall. There will be signs alerting you to this, so please keep an eye out for these changes.
Garden Viewing
The Garden Viewing Committee have been busy ensuring everything is ready for another amazing day. This is a great community event and excellent fundraiser for the school. Raffle tickets have been sent home with students, so please check bags and ensure you return these by 25th October.
There are several excursions during this term, so I would remind you to please check emails on a regular basis to ensure you remain up to date
I wish everyone a great term.
Take care,
Geraldine Holland
Acting Principal
Our last day of term 3 saw our school celebrate the achievements of our first Year 12 Class at the final full school Assembly. This was followed by a Guard of Honor from the School, parents and friends. to finish, the students had their final roll call which included ringing of the school bell.
We are so proud of you all and wish you every success in the future.

Kinder: Finley Jayawardene, Emmeline Allen, Nate Chand
Year 1: Isla Pike, Lilly Bickham
Year 3: James Broad, Bailey Bickham, Tristan Swanston
Year 4: Samuel Moroney, Bayley Piggott, Elvie Crawford
Year 5: Abby Watts, Ava Crawford, Clancy Gibbs
Year 6: Angus Oliver, Bailey McCormack, Ryan Nammensma, Grace McCrone, Lucy Buerckner

What a great result our students had at the Mackillop Athletics at the end of last term.
Grace McCrone placed 2nd in high jump.
Stella Krause placed 2nd in both the 200m and the Long Jump and 3rd in Shot Put.
Barney Taylor placed 2nd in long jump.
Zephanie Lancaster was 3rd in the 1500m.
Congratulations and good luck to Grace, Stella, Barney and Zephanie as they compete for Mackillop at State on the 23rd & 24th October.

What a Show!
Last term saw our whole school involved in our annual Showcase performance. Thank you to all who came to watch, made costumes, did makeup or hair or helped in some way. These are memories the kids will never forget.

Garden Viewing - Volunteers Needed
We are kindly requesting volunteers to assist with the Garden Viewing on Sunday 27th October 2024. This is a major fundraiser for our school and all help is greatly appreciated. We require help with the BBQ, selling raffle tickets, set up, pack up and helping in the kitchen. We are also requesting food items from each family to be prepared. Thank you in advance, Garden Viewing Committee (Sally Cassidy 0456 024 199 Kirsty Oliver 0429338576 (Food or Kitchen)