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Dear St Anne's Community,
I would like to start by thanking you for your ongoing patience and flexibility as we continue with remote learning in a challenging environment. The positive attitude and manner you bring to supporting your child/ren in their learning is a big part of how well our students have adapted to online learning. I understand that these circumstances have led us to think very differently about the way we teach and how our children learn. For many of our students and families, this may have caused anxiety and will challenge the way we teach and deliver content.
Teachers will continue to connect with their students, parents and colleagues. The work your child’s teacher sets is important, but your family’s wellbeing is more so. Try to keep a routine and a dedicated space for school work, but don’t forget that much valuable and memorable learning takes place in “real world” situations. Students are encouraged to work with you doing some particular hands-on activities eg: cooking, exploring outside or playing board games or cards together. This time away from screens is so important.
Today is R U OK? Day. As one way of supporting student wellbeing, we will focus on wellbeing activities next Wednesday as a whole school.
Thank you again for all that you are doing. Be comforted in knowing that we will pick up where each student is at when we are able to return to school. Our children will get through this and be OK. Each of you are doing a great job in supporting our students to do this.
It is important that you still notify us if your child will not be particpating in the meeting for a particular day. Some students are collecting a long list of absences as we do not have an explanation for them not attending the class meets. Secondary rolls are bing marked every lesson, every day. Your support in this matter is appreciated.
Secondary Reporting
There will be no Term 3 reports sent home for secondary students, due to the remote learning situation. Teachers are still gathering assessment data and this will be used for Semester 2 reports that go out at the end of next term.
We all miss our students and look forward to when we are able to have students return to face to face learning at school.
Take care,
Year 1 have been creating their own obstacle courses at home.
They have also been working on 2D shapes and in particular different kinds of lines that might be found in them.
Year 2 have been working on Position and Direction in Math this week. The students made an obstacle course, videoed it and then wrote the directions. Noah wrote directions using the correct language of Position and Direction.
Year 7 - Kayla Edwards for resilience and persistence in Science when the internet is not working well and the topic is hard. Markus Macfarlane for resilience and persistence in Science when the internet is not working and the topic is hard.
Year 8 - Isabella Bush for excellent application to Maths tasks. Kayde Carney for being an excellent assistant to Mr Goode. Alexia Lancaster for excellent work with her Maths modules. Guinevere Drumore for excellent work on natural hazards in HSIE. Nino Matanguihan for working consistently in HSIE. Evie West for working consistently in HSIE.
Year 9 - Zoe Bent for showing great perserverance with her Maths work. Naish Oliver for resilience and persistence when the internet is not working well. William Scott for being an enthusiastic participant in Maths.
Year 10 - Lachlan Crawford for working consistently in Religion and for an excellent result in his Equations topic test. Matthew Durham for always applying himself fully to his Maths work. James Godde for consistent effort in online learning in Religion and for an excellent result in his Equations topic test. Jed Reardon for an excellent result in his Equations topic test. Peter Thompson for his enthusiastic approach to Maths tasks.
To all Friends and Supporters of the Canberra Rotary Peace Bell:
The Rotary Club of Canberra Burley Griffin and Rotary District 9705 cordially invites you to a virtual ceremony to celebrate the International Day of Peace. The event will be held on Tuesday, 21 September 2021 at 12:30 pm. Please share this email with your members, your schools that have taken Peace Poles and your extended database and invite everyone to register and join the webinar. The more people that join the better.
Registrations are required and must be received no later than Friday, 17th September 2021. Click HERE for more information or to Register.
Canberra Burley Griffin Rotary is partnering with the United Nations Information Centre for Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific to organise this very special event.
The Keynote speaker is - Australian Diplomat and singer/songwriter Fred Smith. Fred has just returned from Afghanistan. He has had an exceptional career. Canberra Times writer Sally Pryor wrote the following about Fred Smith:
When Fred Smith was a toddler growing up in India, he would scoff when his parents tried their Hindi out on him. At three, his Hindi was better than his English, and much better than his diplomat father's. He was also aware of two very distinct worlds in his very young life: that of the domestic servants, and that of his family. Four decades later, this awareness of different worlds, and of the multiplicity of worldviews, is a crucial factor in Smith's own diplomatic career. Once described as "Australia's secret weapon" in international diplomacy, he was the first Australian diplomat to be posted to Afghanistan's Uruzgan Province in 2009, an experience that he turned into a highly acclaimed album of songs, “Dust of Uruzgan.”
The following links take you to… Fred singing “Dust of Uruzgan” and Fred's website and Fred's Facebook page.
This is the one day each year that all 27 World Peace Bells are rung on the same day. Our ringing this year will be virtual.
The ceremony will include the announcement of the winner of the Chief Minister's Rotary Peace Prize. The Rotary Club of Canberra Burley Griffin makes a donation of $1,000US to the Rotary Foundation and the recipient is named a Paul Harris Fellow. This is an event that should not be missed.
Best wishes
Warrick Howieson Michael Rabey,
President Coordinator
Rotary Club of Canberra Burley Griffin Canberra Rotary Peace Bell