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- From the Principal
- R E News
- School Uniform Reminders
- Library News
- Book Fair
- Primary Awards Week 1 & 2
- Secondary Awards
- Secondary Boys Smalls Schools Rugby League Competition
- Wellbeing Day
- Primary Sport Reminders
- Primary Public Speaking
- Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD)
- Temora Shire Library & Information Bookmark Competition Winner
- Sacred Heart Ladies Soup Luncheon
- Sacred Heart Ladies Cake Stall
- Kinder Orientation Program
- Youth Assistance Grants
Dear St Anne's Community,
Today, we celebrate the life of Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop. We celebrate and give thanks today for the extraordinary example of Mary MacKillop and the instrumental service she provided in co-founding the Sisters of St Joseph. We continue to recognise and be grateful for the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart. We give thanks for the Sisters and the tireless work and guidance they have given to our community, in the spirit of our first Australian Saint, Mary of the Cross.
Community Council Meeting
This week, the Community Council held its week 3 meeting. We spoke about the Garden Viewing fundraiser and the Canapes in the Canola fundraiser events. I thank the sub-committees that are working hard to bring both events together. At the meeting, I requested financial support to purchase new playground seating for our students in Years 3-10. This furniture will make their eating time and playtime more comfortable. $10,000 was requested from the council, which will go a long way to help with the $40,000 seating cost.
School Improvement
We have purchased some sound loop speakers for use in our primary classrooms. These speakers are an amazing addition to the classroom, and it provides a crisp and clear projection of teacher voice. We have also been looking into updates for furniture in the staffroom. This will improve the break time environment for staff and make things more comfortable for them.
Representative Service
Well done to all our sporting and public speaking students who have represented our school recently.
HSC Trials
Our first ever HSC trial exams are currently under way. They go from 5th - 16th August. Some changes to the normal routine of the playground have taken place, to ensure minimal noise around the hall and music room. I wish our Year 12 students all the best and thank staff and students right across the school for their support.
Take care,
Grant Haigh
Feast of the Assumption
Please join us for Mass next Thursday 15th August for the Feast of the Assumption which is a holy day of obligation at 10:15am.
SHINE for Year 9 and 10
The annual Archdiocese of Canberra Goulburn’s SHINE Youth Conference is being run by the CSYMA (Catholic Schools Youth Ministry Australia) team again this year at Merici College on Friday 13th September. Please note that it is an early start and late return. The students gain the opportunity to explore Youth Ministry further through a variety of talks, drama, testimony and other elements, as well as practical workshop experiences, where students’ eyes are opened to the gift of faith. They also have the opportunity to ask questions and find out more about developing a relationship with Jesus. SHINE is also a great opportunity for hundreds of young people across the Archdiocese from Years 9 & 10 to come together and learn from each other and build relationships outside of their school community with other students from across our expansive Archdiocese. Communication will be received about this event via compass shortly.
Sacrament of First Eucharist
The dates have been set for the Sacrament of First Eucharist. Please add the following dates to your diary. Any child who has made their First Reconciliation in the Catholic Church and is in Year 4 or above, is eligible to make their Sacrament of First Eucharist (Communion) this year. Further information will be sent home to the Year 4 class later this week. If your child is also eligible in an older class and you wish for them to be involved please contact either Virginia Bent or Jacqui Collins to ensure that they are added to the list. Also please let others know who may be interested.
Parent Meeting for First Eucharist - Wednesday 28th August at 6:30pm (Week 6 Term 3)
The enrolment weekends will be Sunday 8th, Saturday 14th or Sunday 22nd September
The Retreat Day for First Eucharist - Thursday 14th November (Week 5 Term 4)
The Sacrament of First Eucharist Sunday 17th November at 10am (Week 5 Term 4).
- Sneakers/joggers are NOT to be worn with normal school uniform.
- Stud earrings are to be small, gold or silver and there is to be only one earring in each earlobe, any other piercings are to be taken out or a clear plastic spacer is to be used during school time.
- Bangles, bracelets and rings are not to be worn at school. A chain with a small crucifix can be worn under shirts.
- Hair must be up if it is past shoulder length.
- Makeup, nail polish and wrist bands are not to be worn to school
- Hair scrunchies and clips can be worn if they are school colours.
Our school Library is looking amazing at the moment with lots of wonderful artwork on display. Each year our K-6 students create a piece of art inspired by books shortlisted and nominated by the CBCA (Children's Book Council of Australia). The theme for Book Week this year is "Reading is Magic."
Annual Scholastic Book Fair
Thank you to everybody for supporting the Book Fair. With the rewards we receive from the Book Fair our school is able to purchase new items for our Library such as book shelves, books and resources.
If your child's book was not available on the day, re-orders have been placed. These will arrive in 2 to 3 weeks and will be distributed to students as soon as they are received. Thank you for your patience.
Author Visit
Students in Years 6, 7 and 8 will have the opportunity on Wednesday 14th August to attend a presentation by author and illustrator Andrew Plant. Thank you to Temora Shire Library for inviting our students to share in this event.
K-6 Book Week Parade
There is certainly a buzz of excitement among many of our K-6 students as they are busy preparing their costumes for our annual book week parade. This event will take place on Wednesday, 21st August at 9:15am on our school playground. If your child has PE on this day, please remember to pack suitable footwear to be worn.
This is not a casual clothes day. If your child is choosing not to dress up as a book week character they are to wear their regular school uniform for that day.
Week 1
Year 1: Charlotte Williams, Kendrea Willara Arachchige
Year 2: Sophie Irving, Olivia Perry, Wilson Lim
Year 3: Skyla Morton, Ivy Drenovski, Aiden Roberts
Year 4: Elvie Crawford, Dusty Karn, Alice Reid
Year 5: Abby Watts, Joey Guymer, Edie Bett
Year 6: Eliza O'Shea, Addie Warren
Week 2
Kinder: Joey Hughes, Bailey Jones, Hudson Miller, Ashton Coddington
Year 1: Olivia Purcell, Jake Morton, Jesse Overs
Year 2: Frankie Townsend, Harriett Talbot, Samayra Lama
Year 3: Sophie Irving, Bailey Bickham, Fraces Moroney
Year 4: Mack Oliver, Samuel Moroney, Olive Coddington, Audrey Wallace
Year 5: Nate Swanston, Rosie Maurer, Evie Cooper
Year 6: Adelen Crawford, Dallas Gibbs, Eliza O'Shea
Year 8: Carlyn McCoullough - Achieving 267% growth in her cycle test, Indy Wilesmith - Achieving 400% growth in her cycle test
Year 9: Ethan Bett - For excellent application during Maths lessons, Layla Player - For excellent work in Maths
Secondary Boys Smalls Schools Rugby League Competition
The 7/8 and 9/10 boys had a great day out at the Small Schools Rugby League competition in Wagga on Tuesday. This is a modified game played with only 11 a side, against other schools of a similar size to ours.
Our 7/8 team was very competitive all day, there were plenty of try scorers and the boys played really well together to make it to the Grand Final. Unfortunately, their run ended against a well versed McAuley Catholic College Tumut.
The 9/10 boys started their campaign going down narrowly to Parkes. Before coming up against a tough Junee side. They truley demonstrated the spirit of the Small School Competition when they played Hay when 3 of our players jumped into their team to assist with numbers.
Well done to all the players.
On Friday we held our first ever Kinder to Year 12 Wellbeing Day!
Our day was based on the key principles from The Resilience Project, alongside the Olympics and Paralympics with an exciting special guest Paralympian and former student, Scott Reardon. Dressed in our GEM colours, Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy our intentions were set with 100% commitment for the day, the activities began.
Scott delivered an inspiring presentation to each group of students with the highlight being the kids getting to feel and touch his Paralympic medals and prosthetic leg. Scott shared the importance of gratitude, proving that no matter what challenge you face coming back to a state of gratitude will guide us through. He used this a lot during his accident to help him navigate through life.
Scott then went into mindfulness, demonstrating and talking the kids through some guided breathing techniques. These techniques were able to calm him during those big moments of being on the starting line at the Paralympics and he explained how we can use these tools to help bring us back to a calm state at any time in our day.
We enjoyed lunch outside together with sausage sandwiches and fruit boxes.
Our activities for the day,
Gratitude Mindfulness
- Gratitude Jars * Mindful Colouring
- Gratitude Reflections * Making beaded key chains
- Gratitude A-Z with an M&M game * Drawing & colouring key chains
Empathy- Whole school Emotional Literacy
- Maranatha * Group Roleplays
- Gratitude Tree
- Bluey
To finish our day we ended with some Paralympic Races in our country groups and a Primary and Secondary dance off with the winning team, Secondary, versing the teachers. We don’t talk about who won that one!
Based on all feedback this was a great day for both staff and students!
A reminder for parents to give consent and pay if required for the following sporting events-
Trent Barrett shield rugby league and Tag, Thursday 22nd August (no cost for this event).
Players involved in the final of the NSW Cup netball in Wagga on Monday 26th August, cost is $10.
Students who qualified for the Western region athletics team in Canberra, 27th August should have nominated on-line by now. Students are to wear their sports uniform and they will be given a Western Region shirt to wear on the day. These need to be returned when your events are finished.
Congratulations to the primary students Ari Bryon, Audrey Wallace, Skyla Morton, Evelyn Tait, Zephanie Lancaster, Eliana Adeyemi, Barney Taylor and Annabelle Gray who represented St Anne's at the recent Public Speaking competition held last Thursday 1st August.
Congratulations to Annabelle Gray who has been selected to speak at the Western Region level. We wish her all the best.
Temora Shire Library & Information Bookmark Competition Winner
Congratulations to Ari Bryon in Year 4 for her winning design in the Temora Shire Library & Information Bookmark Competition. Ari's design has been published and is available at the Temora Shire Library.
Sacred Heart Ladies Soup Luncheon
We recently received this message following the Sacred Heart Ladies Soup Luncheon.
On behalf of the Sacred Heart Ladies we would like to sincerely thank you, your staff in particular Ms Wallace and students for the wonderful assistance they provided to us on our special day.
Sacred Heart Ladies Cake Stall
The Sacred Heart Ladies Group will be holding their annual Cake Stall on the 6th September.
They are asking for donations of cakes, slices, jams, veggies or any saleable items.
We ask that you please list any ingredients on your cooking. If you need your donations
picked up please phone 0400806324. Donations can be dropped off to the street van
from 8.30 Friday morning in front of the Wylies Newsagency. This is one of the Sacred Heart
Ladies Group major fund raisers for the year and we would love to have your support. If you
have any questions please phone 0408639015. Thank you.